“Banana Kingdom” refers to a banana producing country with a Monarch of its own. Commonwealth banana producers with the Queen of England as a head of state are therefore excluded of this definition. Spain is one of the 11 Banana Kingdoms of the world. The other 10 Banana Kingdoms are Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Morocco, Swaziland, Lesotho, Brunei, Bhutan, Samoa and Tonga.
Spain is the 24th world's banana producer. The totality of the Spanish banana production -over 375,000 metric tonnes - is grown in the subtropical Canary Islands and destined to the internal market.
Bananas were apparently introduced in the Canary Islands by the British at the end of the 19th Century. Some other sources locate its origin in the former Spanish colony of Equatorial Guinea (Spanish territory until 1967).
Bananas were apparently introduced in the Canary Islands by the British at the end of the 19th Century. Some other sources locate its origin in the former Spanish colony of Equatorial Guinea (Spanish territory until 1967).
Spanish bananas (known as "plátanos") are usually smaller in size and have more black speckles and are less sweet and tasty than tropical bananas. However, they are the favorite in the kingdom of Spain.
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